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SLEEP TRAINING (but make it easy)

SLEEP TRAINING (but make it easy)

Ready to sleep train? Stop Googling and do this instead!

By Guest Editor Kelly Rogers

Kelly, new mom to 4-month-old Seamus, shares how Tinyhood’s Sleep 101 class took the mystery out of sleep schedules and training.

Tinyhood was founded by Becky Miller and Susan Blinn, engineers and moms, who wrestled with their own struggles as new parents and felt both overwhelmed and underwhelmed by the lack of clear parental guidance out there. Out of their frustrations, Tinyhood was born: a curated collection of classes meant to support you throughout your parenting journey — all taught by certified experts.

Seamus was 14 weeks old on the day when my mom asked, "What's his sleep schedule?" which I stared blankly, finally admitting that he didn't have one. I was exclusively breastfeeding, and he and I had a pretty steady rhythm. I thought we could just keep going with the flow?! He's always been a happy baby and had no real issues falling asleep. However, I realized that it was time to start establishing a "real" routine for naps and night sleep (he was going on 16 weeks by that time).

Where to begin though?! The thought alone was super overwhelming, especially with Instagram mom-influencers posting constant (and sometimes contradictory) advice on how to establish a sleep regimen. That's when I remembered Tinyhood.

I had taken Tinyhood’s Childbirth 101 course before Seamus was born and loved how information was broken down into bite-size videos and resources so I could go at my own pace. Their videos are also professionally produced, which honestly gave me peace of mind and allowed me to trust them even more. The instructor had a warm personality (much appreciated as I prepared for the unknown!) and the credentials to prove she most definitely knew her stuff. She explained what to expect while fully recognizing that everyone has a different experience. Even just knowing the small stuff, like what the heck a peanut ball is and how it helps move things along, was SO helpful.

So, when I saw that Tinyhood offered a Sleep 101 course, I thought I'd give it a try. From the start, I realized this was totally different from Childbirth 101 in that it provided a very precise blueprint to follow. The course is not just about infant sleep in theory – it tells you exactly what you need to do to establish a routine. The instructor stressed this point and the commitment required to successfully apply the method. I took a deep breath and dove right in.

The videos and resources were, again, short and easy to digest – I got through the whole thing in one sitting. Then I watched it again. It included a success story from one family, which actually made me cry – twice – seeing how tough it was, but then again seeing the steps work (...hellooo postpartum hormonal tears!).

I watched a few of the videos a third time and set out to start the following night. Let's just say it didn't go so well. It was WAY harder than I expected to listen to my baby cry so much. However, I still learned so much, and had some really great takeaways. Specifically, a sample nap schedule and the appropriate amount my son Seamus should be sleeping at night for his age. There is something for everyone regardless of one's situation – be it a full-on sleep protester or an okay-but-unreliable sleeper (like mine).

That's also what I find so great about Tinyhood's approach. I can watch the full course, or even just specific segments, whenever I'm ready or struggling with that one thing. What's more, the FAQs covered pretty much every question/concern that I had. I know I can trust the expertise of each Tinyhood instructor, so I've got my eye on the Safety 101: CPR and Choking course next -– so important!

So, although my first go at the Tinyhood Sleep 101 method didn't go as successfully as I had hoped, I'm even more motivated (dare I say...excited?) to try it again. Especially as I get ready to go back to work. Wish me luck!

Kelly took Tinyhood’s Sleep 101: The Baby Sleep Solution (4-24 months) course, which helps parents to teach their baby to: consistently sleep 10-12 hours a night, take predictable & longer daytime naps, and fall asleep calmly, peacefully & 100% independently.

Learn more about Tinyhood & get your FREE class* here!
*available for a limited time only