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Getting Back to “Normal”

Getting Back to “Normal”

By Guest Editor: Kay-Dee

Kay-Dee, from Southern California, is a mother of two girls, photographer and content creator. Kay-Dee recently welcomed baby June to her family and shares the realities of what postpartum life looks like after having your second child.

Kay-Dee originally shared this story on her Instagram @fortheloveofmila in August 2021.

I know it looks like I’ve gone straight back to my “normal life.” And in some ways, I have…you kind of have to when you have an older child. Time doesn’t stand still quite the same way it does when you have a newborn for the first time. You can’t push aside all your responsibilities and just focus on baby because you’re being pulled in more directions than you ever have been before. So, I know it looks like I’ve got it all together right now, but the truth is: I’m struggling just as much as any other newly postpartum mama.

I also have next to no chill, so I’ve been trying to “keep up” and stay on routine, but in these past couple weeks, I’ve overdone it more than once. Yesterday, it took everything in me not to visibly break down in the grocery store, while I was quietly breaking down mentally. So, while I am thankful that my recovery this time around was 100x better, I also think that led me to believe I could keep doing it all.

Postpartum is a lot. Maybe it’s harder for you physically and maybe the mental aspect is slowly eating away at you – or maybe it’s just a little bit of everything, and that’s okay. It’s not meant to be easy. It’s okay to feel the lows of postpartum because chances are you are going to feel some pretty freaking amazing highs right along with those.

I hope this is a reminder that postpartum hits everyone different, and you never really see the whole picture from a few photos on Instagram. I keep creating simply because that’s what makes me feel like myself and keeps me sane. So, when you’re in the thick of it, remember to keep doing what you need to do to stay “you.” We don’t have to “lose” ourselves as mothers just so we can find ourselves again.

Kay-Dee and her family were featured in our Life & Color series in August 2021, find out more here, or read more about Kay-Dee here.

Follow Kay-Dee on Instagram @fortheloveofmila or visit her website

Editor’s Note: What we love about Kay-Dee’s story is that we get a glimpse into the reality of what’s going on behind the camera. As mothers in the modern age of social media, it’s so easy to compare ourselves to others, as our community shares intimate details of their lives over the internet. And as a content creator and photographer, Kay-Dee’s postpartum experience may look effortless at first glance. Because that’s her job and her passion – to create and share beautiful stories. We love that in this post, she lifts the curtain and reminds us: this is just one moment in time. It doesn’t reflect the full experience of motherhood and postpartum life – which can be hard. So, thank you Kay-Dee for your beautiful stories & your honesty. XO Team Motherhood