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Malika Moses: Doula at Happy Family After | Motherhood Q&A

Discover insightful information about a postpartum doula's role in a new family's postpartum transition. Malika Moses, a dedicated Doula at Happy Family After shares valuable insights on navigating the journey of motherhood with confidence and support.


1. What sparked your passion for supporting mothers during the postpartum period, and how does that drive your work at Happy Family After Doula Agency


For many years, I’ve seen mothers struggle to manage a household, a baby, and even themselves, and this is really what inspired me to become a doula. When I was younger I started out as a babysitter, then a nanny, and now a newborn care specialist, so for me it was a steady progression to get to where I am today. When I became a postpartum doula it really highlighted what a difference I could make in the lives of so many by assisting them during the challenging postpartum transition. Seeing the immense relief on clients' faces, as well as in their body language, gives me immense pride and joy in the work that I do. Working for Happy Family is the perfect fit for me because I truly care about my clients, as does Happy Family After. We’re all in this for the same reasons.


2. Could you walk us through a typical day in the life of a postpartum doula at your agency? What kind of support do you provide to new mothers and their families? 


A typical day for me starts out by going over the clients wants and needs. Making sure that things are in order and we’re all on the same page helps to minimize chaos in the house. Going over the game plan for the day and or night, while also discussing  how the clients are feeling and how they would like me to  handle things during my shift, creates a level of comfort and reassurance right from the start. I provide emotional encouragement for the client and practical support at all times during my shift. 


3. What sets Happy Family After Doula Agency apart from other postpartum doula services, and how do you ensure excellence in the care you provide? 


What sets Happy Family apart from other agencies is the way in which they treat their doulas as well as their clients. Happy Family really ensures that everyone is feeling their best and on the same page, which is so incredibly important in this line of work. 


4. How do you approach building trust and rapport with the families you work with, especially during such a vulnerable and transformative time? 


My approach is always reminding the client that I’m here to support them in any way I can. I am not there to take over,  I’m just merely an advisor on how to best care for their newborn while maintaining the utmost respect for their cultures and practices. Lastly, I do have a great personality so that never hurts. 😀


5. In your experience, what are some of the most valuable benefits that postpartum doula support brings to new mothers and their families? 


The most valuable benefits of a postpartum doula are judgment free guidance and the luxury to maintain a sense of self during the postpartum transition. It’s very easy to lose oneself, and I think we do a really great job at helping new parents feel their best. 


6. Can you share a particularly touching or memorable moment you've experienced while working as a postpartum doula at Happy Family After Doula Agency? 


My most memorable moment was when a former client sent me flowers and a card to show their appreciation for all the support I had provided them during postpartum. That really made me feel like I was doing what I was meant to be doing. It’s so rewarding.


7. What are some practical strategies or techniques you employ to help new mothers navigate challenges such as breastfeeding difficulties, sleep deprivation, or postpartum mood disorders? 


One  practical strategy in particular I always use for sleep deprivation is encouraging the client to let me take over at least one feed so they can get a longer stretch of sleep. Sleep alone helps facilitate a more positive outlook on things, and a smoother transition, so they can be the best version of themselves. 


8. How does Happy Family After Doula Agency adapt its services to meet the unique needs and cultural backgrounds of the families you serve? 


Happy Family is really big on asking in-depth questions right away for all clients, so the doulas themselves are well aware of the situation they’ll be dealing with. They constantly check in on clients to make sure all their wants and needs are being fulfilled. 


9. What do you wish more people understood about the importance of postpartum support, and how can communities better support new mothers during this transitional period?


I wish people understood that pregnancy is only one small aspect of motherhood. It can be very draining and sometimes scary and nerve racking for so many new parents. It’s such a huge life event filled with so much change from their body, to complications after childbirth, to so many new parents who struggle to bond and connect with their newborn. As a community, especially in the black community, I wish there were more programs to assist new parents who may not be able to afford the help they truly need. 


10. Looking forward, how do you envision the future of postpartum doula care, and what role do you hope Happy Family After Doula Agency will play in shaping it? 


The way I envision the future is that postpartum doulas become affordable and accessible to all those who want it, while also compensating the doulas for the hard work they put in. A hope and a vision I have is for Happy Family to evolve into a temporary postpartum care center. There would be individual rooms for new parents and babies, as well as round-the-clock care for mothers coming straight from the hospital. Food and educational classes would all be provided as well as lactation support if necessary. Basically a short term (all-inclusive) hotel stay for moms and newborns.