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ISABELThe Midwest
OMAHouston, TX
CORALPhiladelphia, PA
Editor: Callan

After being stuck inside for almost a year, I kind of dread catching up with people and having them ask: “What have you been up to?” or “What’s new?” Because my answer is honestly and truthfully, “Um, nothing.” I did not spend my year of social distancing becoming a 5-star chef, sourdough aficionado, or expert DIYer. I took care of my (almost) 2-year-old daughter, worked, and very occasionally remembered that my husband existed.

Looking back, the year has been a gray blur of sameness. Every day was “rinse and repeat,” existing mostly within my four walls, and being in a constant loop of, “well, when things are back to normal.” It’s been a waiting game. A year of living in the gray.

So, when we started planning our vision for 2021 here at Motherhood, we all had the same thing on our mind: COLOR. We all knew 2021 would be a year of transitioning “back to normal,” and still have some of the grays of 2020 – but why not infuse it with celebration and adventure?

After all, being a mom is basically strapping in for a lifelong adventure.

After all, being a mom is basically strapping in for a lifelong adventure. As soon as that little line appears on a pregnancy test, you’re handing over the reigns (and your heart) to this tiny person. And it’s an amazing, dumbfounding journey when you take a moment to soak it all in.

Even though this past year has seemed monotonous, every single day has brought something new when I look at the world through my daughter’s eyes. Just this morning, I wowed and amazed her with the hilarity of secretly putting a crayon in her pocket. And just last night she corrected her grandmother on the lyric of a song (I’m pretty sure she’s a genius).

We want to celebrate all these little adventures, and pops of color in our days. And we want to keep on exploring – even if the trip is just a walk or drive away. We want to get back into our community and rediscover its flavor and color. And we want to do that with our community of Real Moms. Which is why Motherhood is going on the road!

Over the next year, we’ll be partnering with expecting mamas across the United States to explore their local color.

The MH Road Trip: Our First Stop

The starting point of our yearlong (virtual) road trip will be Motherhood’s very own hometown. The city of brotherly love: Philadelphia. We had big plans to kick off the trip by visiting our local mama’s favorite places around the city – and then the snow came, so we had to postpone. And then the snow wouldn’t stop coming, and we had to make some new plans. But hey, if 2020 taught us anything, it’s how to be adaptable.

So, we’ll be kicking off the journey with a convo with one of our favorite Philly mamas: Coral @curlswithcoral. A mother, wife, content creator, and haver-of-amazing-hair, Coral is expecting her second baby in May.