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With Shalinie
Editor, Callan

Every Wednesday at Motherhood, it’s BUMP DAY! Every week one lucky mama – like Shalinie - receives a $50 gift card. Tag us @motherhoodmaternity in your next bump photo and use #mhbumpday for a chance to win.

Meet Bump Day Winner Shalinie, a Supply Chain IT Analyst from Minnesota, who is expecting her first baby, a boy due on May 22nd.

Do you have a named picked out?

We have picked out a few name combos and are waiting to see our baby boy’s cute little face to pick the best one for him!

How has juggling pregnancy during the pandemic been?

It is not a regular pregnancy, as we are in a pandemic and it’s scary! I wish I could go to the mall, walk outside with family, hangout with my besties, and eat out at a restaurant, but I had to limit all these fun activities due to the current situation. Even the hospital stopped allowing guests, so my husband had to miss a few prenatal appointments and ultrasound scans of the baby. Thanks to modern technology, I could still have a video call with my husband during my appointments and show him our baby’s movements.

One thing that helped me during the pandemic was working from home! I don’t have to commute to work every day during my pregnancy and it saved me big time, especially during the hard 1st trimester. I will be working from home throughout the rest of my pregnancy as well. Working from home with my comfy clothes on is a plus!

How has your pregnancy been?

Pregnancy so far has had its ups and downs. My 1st trimester was not a pleasant one, as I had bad nausea and fatigue. I could eat anything, but I couldn’t stand the smell of cooking or frying. I had bad morning sickness, but luckily my friends were so helpful and brought me all sorts of yummy meals most of the time! When the 2nd trimester started, I regained all my energy back and all the sickness went away! I was able to make my own meals and go grocery shopping again. Currently, I am 30 weeks and I feel like the 3rd trimester is a different ball game! I feel fine one day, and then the next day I am so tired with swollen feet!

How are you feeling right now?

I don’t have the energy I had in the 2nd trimester. I get tired easily and my ankles swell if I walk a few aisles at the grocery store. But I am still trying to get some exercise from walking, as it is going to help with the delivery. Plus, all these symptoms are temporary, and I always remind myself that I am doing everything for the little human inside of me!

What are you most excited about?

I am most excited about seeing what my baby will look like! Will he look like me or his daddy? We had a 3D ultrasound and were able to see our little peanut’s face and I think he looks like his daddy, but I can’t wait to see his real face!

What are you most grateful for?

I am so grateful for my husband’s love & support throughout pregnancy. He understands my needs and helps me survive each day! I am also grateful for my friends around me as well. They never fail to send me yummy meals on weekends!

What has been the most unexpected thing about your pregnancy?

The most unexpected thing during my pregnancy was the sciatic nerve pain. I know it is a very common thing during pregnancy, but I was unable to lift my left leg and walk one day while I was at a grocery store and had to get admitted to the ER. Luckily, the baby was fine, and they sent me home with pain relievers. That was a scary day – I thought I wouldn’t be able to walk!

How has it felt to watch your bump grow?

I document my bump every week, and I cannot believe that I am growing another human inside me. And that I have two hearts beating inside of me now! It’s magical when I feel the baby kick and dance inside me, and I hope every mama feels this way!